
As the sun sets on February 2023, and I wrap up the first Dry Out for Clarity and Charity campaign, I'm taking a moment to reflect on this month.

One of the things I've been working on is releasing myself of the extreme expectations I have of myself and the judgement of others real or imagined.

In the moments I get caught up in feeling pre-embarrassed about "failing", I tell myself "stop" and remind myself that most people are too concerned with their own business than keeping track of everything I do and judging all the misses or "failures" that are so stark to me. And for those who experience schadenfreude - 🤷‍♀️

I am proud of a consistent practice that has brought me to a place where I can quickly bring myself back to center. I know how much work and heart I put into the things I do, and that in of itself is accomplishment, especially on days I struggle to get out of bed.

On the extreme expectations I have of myself - I am still working on finding a mental balance that is motivating in an uplifting way as opposed to based in fear.


How to Re-align Yourself and Manage Your Priorities with Stoic Philosophy


How to Regain Control - Part II